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Koiran bestis on suloinen lemmikkirotta – Tämän söpömmäksi ei eläinystävyys mene!

Erikoiset eläinystävyydet ovat kiinnostaneet internetissä aikojen alusta saakka. Nyt on kuitenkin asetettu uusi laatukriteeri söpöydelle: Instagramissa seikkaileva hollanninpaimenkoira Osiriksen paras kaveri on nimittäin kolmen kuukauden ikäinen lemmikkirotta Riff Rat.

Kuten kuvista näkyy, parivaljakon ystävyys on aitoa, syvää ja luottavaista. Riff luottaa jopa niin paljon terapiakoiranakin toimivaan Osirikseen, että uskaltaa työntää päänsä koiran suuhun. Ei ihan jokarotan hommaa!

Everything’s coming up Milhouse! Introducing our new tiny, shy, and snuggly little baby. #MilhouseTheRat #OsirisAndMilhouse

Kuva, jonka Osiris + Riff Ratt (@osirisandriff) julkaisi

Wow! Thanks for all the likes, follows, and comments. Here are a few answers to FAQs we’ve been getting. May we re-post your photo(s)? Yes, you may use our images AS LONG AS you link back to this Instagram account. You should add watermarks! No. Watermarks are ugly and we will not be watermarking our images. If you use them, please be a decent human and give us credit. Can I interview you? Yes, we do interviews! Please email osirisandriff@gmail.com! About comments/questions regarding Riff: Yes, rats are good pets. They are smart, affectionate, and clean. They are not gross. Please stop leaving nasty comments telling us to kill or torture Riff Ratt, the world does not need more negativity. They will be deleted if we see them. Also, to those commenting that Riff “needs a companion” – leave us alone. We don’t need your advice and will adopt another rat when we find one in need. Riff was rescued at the age of three weeks, from a pet store specializing in reptiles. We fell in love with him, knew he was going to die as snake food, and decided to nurse him back to health by bottle-feeding him. About comments/questions regarding Osiris: Osiris was found as a tiny puppy, abandoned in a parking lot in Detroit. He is specially trained to be gentle with small animals and help keep them warm if they are too tiny to keep on a heating pad. PLEASE do not adopt a rat to be “pals” with your dog just because you saw these two being cute on social media. Adopting pets should be thought through thoroughly. Most dogs will eat a rat as soon as they see it. Osiris and Riff’s human parents are licensed animal rehabbers and experienced foster parents. They have lots of experience with the handling and training of all types of animals. Again, remember Riff and Osiris’ friendship is atypical and should not be attempted unless you know the exact temperament of your dog and it has been specially trained to be gentle with small animals. We will not be responsible for any injury or death caused by poor judgment. I think that’s about it for now! Other questions? Leave them in the comments!

Kuva, jonka Osiris + Riff Ratt (@osirisandriff) julkaisi


Back when #RiffRatt was just a little guy. #OsirisAndRiff

Kuva, jonka Osiris + Riff Ratt (@osirisandriff) julkaisi

Snuggle bugs. #OsirisAndRiff #RiffRatt #WeeklyFluff

Kuva, jonka Osiris + Riff Ratt (@osirisandriff) julkaisi

Side-eye Osiris and a skillfully balanced #RiffRatt!

Kuva, jonka Osiris + Riff Ratt (@osirisandriff) julkaisi

Osiris is just smiling away while Riff Ratt tries to crawl in his mouth yet again.

Kuva, jonka Osiris + Riff Ratt (@osirisandriff) julkaisi

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